Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Not-knowing-if-I-liked movies

I saw a movie today. It's the first time I'm not sure if I liked it or not. The movie is called Elizabethtown. I actually think I did like it but I don't dare to say it!!! But I'm using one of the most popular media to spray our thoughts these days... LiLi you are a contradiction! Oh well... I want to enumerate what I liked about it and then you (and I) would probably understand WHY I liked it. If you haven't seen it you might not want to continue reading because I'm about to ruin it to you. So you: STOP now. For those who have seen it, you can allow your eyes to roll through these letters (for those who don't care or who were not going to see it anyway go ahead, but you would probably don't understand much).

Ok ok let's begin. Before watching the movie I didn't know exactly what was it about nor even a little hint... I do that a lot, I just go to the movies without knowing a single thing about what I'm about to see... it's my little adventure. What am about to say next is going to sound very very stupid: I picked this particular one cause I think Orlando Bloom is cute... and liked Kirsten Dunst as an actress since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (good movie by the way). Yeah! It sounds really stupid, even more when I write it down. But he's hot!!!!! He was cuter when he was Legolas though (ooooh my gosh....) but he's still gorgeous! Ok, going back to my subject (focus LiLi). So when the movie started it was ok, after a couple of minutes I felt -let me tell you- completely lost... thinking "what the hell am I watching!!". The scenes were weird some times, long... but not even a 'normal' lenght, no! I had that unconfortable-long feeling that I hate!! I asked myself many times why was that seen in the movie in the first place! But, I've never gone out of a theatre before the movie ends, even if it's the worst one I've ever seen, even if I had fainted DURING a movie and been about to faint for the second time. I'm not a movie-quitter (there's a new word).

SO................. I stayed there, sitting on my little chair and inconfortable mini space and saw the hole thing. Then when the story between Clair and Drew began: the eternal-phone call moment... man that inspired me! Who hasn't stayed awake all night talking to somebody else on the phone? "Throw the first stone"! I think this is one of those things that everyone has to say: "been there, done that". This scene captured me. Then the moment when they meet after the eternal call, on the middle of the road in their cars... oooooooohhhhhh so natural, so great, so real!!!! I love those moments!!!!!! Doing crazy stuff... After that I knew I was gonna like the movie. The way the love story develops itself is real, is not a hollywood fake one. I believe spontaneous things like that happen in real life... well at least in my world!!!!!! BUT the strange-long-scenes where not over!!!!!!!! So despite those I liked the movie.

For some people his mother looked dumb when she did the tapdance but I think it was inspirational... This hasn't happened to me yet, but I believe that when someone close to you dies her or his soul is somewhere with you and somehow "helps" you to deal with his or her death... either through your dreams or through some kind of energy, I don't know. So when she dances that way and tries to make people laugh at her husband's funeral she's just telling the world how strong she is and being human... it wasn't ridiculous at all!!!

This is getting long (like the scenes) and I haven't finished yet!!!......... After those moments I felt the movie had interesting things to tell me. And it did. The road trip this character Drew did with his father's ashes could be also seen as ridiculous but I didn't feel that way about it. I think that in life one does what one has to do. And if you need to take a road trip with your father's ashes, go for it! I'm sure he felt complete after doing it... you could tell that he really lived it: he cried, he laugh, he chated with his dad who was somewhere listening to him... he went through all those feelings and then he could let go that thing that was bothering him. He just had to do it to feel peaceful with himself and to make his dad's soul happy.

And what about Clair's special map..... man that's the kind of thing you want to do for someone... or maybe the kind of thing you want someone to do for you. Like "Amelie"... I love doing crazy stuff for somebody I like or for somebody I care! I've done some... for example, I've written an entired book to someone after braking up telling every single thing we did together with comments of what I felt and thought in every moment... I took an airplane to see someone after not talking to each other for 3 months cause he was mad at me. I just traveled all the way to his house and nocked at his door (he was quite green when he saw me standing there...). Yeah I've done thing's like that... also little things like buying someone's favorite croissant aux amandes on a sad day. I've been available for friends to call me at 3, 4 or 5 in the morning to tell me that something was wrong... I got out of the subject again!! Sorry guys! Coming back to the movie, I believe that doing stuff like what Clair did for Drew gives color to this life that sometimes may become a little gray...

And finally (AT LAST) one of the things I loved about the weird movie was the soundtrack. It was great... I've been listening to it for the last two hours and it's awesome! So what do you say... I liked or I didn't like the movie? I did like it didn't I? I think I did... BUT I hated lot's of parts, lot's of scenes, lot's of characters... not talking about them now cause this post is looooooooooooooong...

People, I just think movies industry has changed, specially the american one. Movies are becoming weirder and weirder... have you seen "Broken Flowers"? HOW WEIRD IS THAT? And bad as it is... and I thought Bill Murray did only good movies... well, so yeah! Let's get use to weird and not-being-sure-if-I-liked movies!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Gracias por advertir que si no la habíamos visto "stop reading" porque actually I haven't. Pero ahora quedé con ganas de verla... Y de leer el artículo

mai lirol poni said...

ah yo tampoco me la he vistooo